The amount of milk that comes out every milk is generally not always the same. Sometimes there are a few, can also overflow. To save storage, nursing mothers can really unite or mix new breast milk with what has been stored. How to? Come, see the following review. Expressing milk is more often done by working mothers, because they are not next to the baby at all times, so they cannot breastfeed immediately when the baby is hungry. In addition, breast milk must be routinely removed so that the breast does not swell and can prevent mastitis. The milking routine of breast milk can also increase its production so that the baby can get enough breast milk. Can Mixing Fresh Mother's Milk with What's Stored? The answer is fine. However, there are some things that nursing mothers should pay attention to, namely: Wash hands before pumping or milking breast milk. The goal is that breast milk is not contaminated by breast milk by germs, so it is safe given to the Little One. When y...